Tuesday, 16 October 2012

So many things to try!

Another busy day.  Had my quilting course today.  Wow, so many new techniques to try!

This is my second course, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  On the first course I did, I learnt how to create a 'monkey wrench' block (I think this block might be known differently elsewhere).  It was all hand stitched, and an absolute pleasure to make :

I gave this to my Mum for her birthday - must say that I'm pretty pleased with it.

On the current course, we're learning how to create a Medallion quilt, with possibly a Christmas theme.  Mine is going to be a snow covered house, on a dark starry night, with golden windows.  Will take some pictures tomorrow, when I get the camera working again.

With regards to my scarves, I've taken a second order today, for the dove grey one.  It is very lovely, with silvery threads running through it, and I'm so glad someone else likes it too:

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