Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Hairy Fairy

I had a recent request to make a character that exists in a reading-scheme book at my kids school.

'The Hairy Fairy!'

The request specified that he had to be 'pocket sized' as a previous headteacher had put those cute little fairy doors around the school, and he had to relate to those.

So, I found a great pattern for a fairy:

Crochet Fairy Pattern - Ravelry

And with some tweaking to take into account the required hairy legs and beard, I ended up with:

His wings were made from the bottom part of this butterfly pattern: 

I used gold glitter glue to stiffen the crown and the wings.

Really enjoyed making this little guy, and hope he brings some pleasure to the kiddies at the school!

Let me know what you think.

In other news, the fire is on, as it's a chilly night, and a celebratory glass of wine will be poured soon!

Sunday 11 October 2015

Moomins, Owls, Zebras and leaves!!

The weather is beautiful at the moment.  Bright, crisp days - fantastic colours on the trees, that sense of nights drawing in and the heightened awareness of the festive season approaching.

Since the last blog post, I've manage to score myself a wee job - working from home, doing admin for a relatively new company.  I love it, but it does take me away from my love - crochet!

Have posted pics of some of my favourite recent makes below.  Am currently being selfish and working on an Autumn Wreath just for me - I've just got that itch to make something in reds, yellow, oranges, and full of warmth!   No pictures just yet, but they will come soon . . . .

Here are links to the patterns I've used so far:

Oak leaves:

Maple leaves:

And this is the video I used to learn how to wrap a polystyrene wreath in yarn (did my wrapping whilst having my lie in, as hubby played golf this morning!)

So, these are some of the recent 'makes' since my last blog - I have been fairly busy

My Dusty Zebra - I got the opportunity to be a pattern tester for this fantastic pattern 
She's brown and cream as she was destined as a surprise gift for someone who is AKA the Dusty Zebra!

This fantastic baby blanket was made using the Marken of the Hat and I's pattern
A paid for pattern that was totally worth the money (the boss-eyed owls are a nod to me and my oldest, bestest friend and the nights we drank perhaps a wee bit more than we should have! The blanket was a gift for her beautiful baby daughter, born after a long wait)

And here is my Moomin!  He was almost too cute to give up!  Find the pattern here:

Anyway, it's late, Pink Floyd is on TV and I must catch some Z's before morning!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Adventures in Amigurami!

Life, family, kids and big life events have meant a while away from blogging, but I thought it was about time to get back on it and share some of the things I've been making recently.  

I've deviated from scarves and tried my hand at at Amigurami!  I'd avoided it because I didn't think I could work that neatly, but a desire to make gifts for some of my friends urged me on.  

I wanted to make a zebra, so searched on Ravelry for a suitable pattern, and came up with this one! I was lucky enough to become a pattern tester for the designer, who was wonderfully supportive for any questions I had.  He's not in traditional colours, as he was destined for a friend who likes their Zebras rather dusty . . .

The pattern can be found here: Zebra Toy

In progress - the pics are some of the ones I took for the designer to see the progress  . .  . . .


And the finished product!

Hoping you like my work!  And looking forward to sharing my other creations soon!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

I read something on Facebook yesterday, and it inspired me.  After everything that's been going on over the last few months, and how I've allowed myself to be made to feel, this really struck a massive chord with me:


“I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me.

I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.” 

- Meryl Streep

I think I'll have to recite this to myself everyday, as I know I have placed far too much value on what I perceive others think of me.  I've got to be more independent.  If I receive criticism, valid or otherwise, I always take it to heart and far, far too personally.

At times, a 'well-meant' apparently friendly rebuke has had me in tears - once for several months.  The author of those comments had. I'm sure, no intention of causing such suffering on my part.  But the implication I read into her words left me feeling that everyone thought I was a horrible person, and had been talking about me behind my back.

And I'm not.  Honest.

I have my moments, as do we all, where I'm not being the best of myself.  However, I'm human!!  Generally I try so hard to be the best I can be.  Most of the time!

Anyway, have got some orders to fulfil - 2 sets of baby bear items, one in brown and one in pink, and a set of 3 owls.

And there is always the small matter of 5 more days until the kids go back to school!

Night peeps!

Monday 1 September 2014

Another new beginning!

So here at PLNT headquarters, we've had a busy year!

Last September I reluctantly took on the role of Chair of the PTA at my kids school.  I think I did a fairly good job, but hadn't realised the time it would take from the rest of my life.  I'm no super-mum, I am not good at being organised in my family life, and housework and me don't always see eye-to-eye.  However, I was determined to do the best I could do by the school, and for that role, I managed myself pretty well.  We did ok, running successful events and increasing the amount of funds raised.  It was an intense year!

The flip side was my family, and my home life, suffered.  I also discovered that I'm not the strong person I thought I was.  Criticism couched in 'friendly' terms cut me deeply, and left me an emotional wreck for months, paranoid that people didn't like me.  The negative emotions had an impact on my interactions with my husband, and on the kids.  I was short-tempered, snappy, pushy, over-emotional and definitely not a delight to be around.

So, at the end of the school year, I sat down and properly contemplated my future.  When thinking about remaining as Chair, everything felt bleak, and dark.  The thought of NOT being Chair though - well!  Happy days!

And now, after a busy summer of holidays, and entertaining kids, I'm coming back to what I love doing.  Creating!

After sharing pictures of one of my favourite makes, a Baby Bear combo of hat, mittens and booties on a writing blog, I received two orders!  I was ridiculously excited, and it's really fired me up to get going on more!

I've also ordered in new stock - pretty stuff that I'd like in my house (and, at the moment it is!).  
What do you reckon?

Anyway, come the 17th Sept, I will hand over my Chair-ship to a new incumbent, and then I'll be free to concentrate more on what I want to do!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

A special little mouse

Yet another bookmark - inspired by another fabulous author (you know who you are!).

This one will be winging it's way to it's new owner soon

Monday 20 January 2014

Hurrah!  I finished my orange dragon bookmark, and am pretty pleased with the result.  Took me a while to figure out the attachment of the wings - the instructions were quite straightforward but my brain just couldn't wrap itself around them.

What do you think?

Once the ends are all sorted I think this one is on the way to the person who inspired me to try it in the first place.  

I wonder how it'll look in red . . .